قصة ال العزلة الاجتماعية
والشعور بالوحدة
COVID19 يخرج من الخلف.
Good evening! I am _________________________________________________________________________.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to (location)___________________________________________________.
We are thrilled to host today’s screening and conversation about resilience in the face of loneliness and isolation.
When we think about resilience, we think of the ability to recover or bounce back.
Goodness knows that recent happenings such as the pandemic have tested our resilience! We are TIRED. Many of us feel DISCONNECTED.
How do we reconnect and help others to do that as well?
We will find out today by walking with people who have done just that. You may see someone who reminds you of a neighbor or loved one. You may even see a bit of yourself.
We welcome several people and organizations who have helped make this film event possible. Could the following people please stand to be recognized:
And of course, we welcome the creators of “All the Lonely People,” Joseph Applebaum, the Producer,
and Stu Maddux, the Director and Writer.
Together, Joe and Stu are also the principals for the Clowder Group, “a social enterprise changing the world through film.”
I was immediately curious about the Clowder Group name – does anyone know what a “clowder” is?
A clowder is a group of CATS! We’ve all heard about the difficulty in herding cats!
The Clowder Group website features a quote from the science fiction author Ray Bradbury who said: “The secret of creativity is to treat ideas like cats, and then make them follow you.”
THAT definitely takes talent, and we thank Joe and Stu for sharing their talent and HOPE with us today!
Please welcome them to introduce their film, All The Lonely People.